Monday 31 October 2016

WEB Design course

Web design is nothing but creating the websites. It is composed with several different criteria such as webpage layout, graphic design and content production.  The term web design and web development are used for interchanging process, the web design is technical subset for web development.
Language for web design
            The language used for creating the web designs are HTML and JAVA. These both are some of the common languages for creating the web design. HTML tags that explains the content and metadata of the pages. The page layout and appearance of the terms are CSS which is called as cascading style sheets.
Fundamentals of Web design
            The followings are the prime factors for design
Roles of Web design
When you are designing the web pages, you can work on almost all sites or separate site. There is a lot of stuff to learn about designing the web page which includes the CSS, JAVA, HTML, XML, SEO, Speed, Content, Info graphics etc.
                        Some web developers used a coding HTML for web designing while others used WYSIWYG with Adobe dreamweaver editor. This editor gives the visual interface for page layout.  Another easy way to create a web page is Wordpress. The wordpress service provides the templates used for starting a new site.
To gain more knowledge about web design then visit Web Design Course in chennai